
Many Hats

I've been thinking about all the different "hats" I wear in my life lately. It seems the list is continually growing.
  • Wife
  • Daughter
  • Sister
  • Friend
  • marketer
  • co-worker
  • employee
  • songwriter
  • worshiper
  • youth leader
  • dog owner
  • mentor
  • mentored
  • seeker
  • guitarist
  • church member
  • bridesmaid
  • house owner
  • blogger
  • LOST fanatic...and on...and on...
But somehow the amount of time I have to fill these hats doesn't continually grow. What's up with that? Which one of these roles is the most important? Should I quit mentoring youth so I can be the best at my job? Should I never learn to play the guitar because I there is so much around the house that needs to get done? Should I neglect my husband because I want to be be more involved with the worship team? I think deeps down I know which roles are the most important, but isn't it easy to get distracted? Doesn't it always feel like you have to move from one project to the next without a breath in between? Doesn't this world put so much pressure on us to preform and keep up with the Jones' that we ru
n ourselves into panic attacks, stomach ulcers, and heart attacks? Isn't it crazy the amount of questions I've asked in this paragraph?

Enough pondering...time for some action. I was reading my friend Ann's blog today and she told a story about how she has slowed down her mornings and found a treasure of a friendship within her eased steps. This real life illustration showed me why my own life sometimes feels aimless. I fall into this pattern of more responsibility, projects, and activities will give my life the direction it needs and a solid 401K and financial plan is going to get me to the ultimate goal of relaxing in retirement. I become desperate to find my purpose in busy hands that I miss the real reason I'm here...

People are the purpose....people are the treasure...I hope I never get so overwhelmed by my hats to forget that.


It's True. Prayer Works!

So I get a big fat “F” in February for following through on my 2 time monthly commitment to blog. I’m blaming it on the fact that Feb. is the shortest month…and also on my complete lack of creativity from about Feb. 2 – Feb. 26…Can you forgive me so we can move on? Thanks!

I want to let all my avid readers know that I’ve turned a corner. Last week our small group prayed over me and I felt a total burden lift off of me. I was washed over in Hope. No longer stuck under the proverbial black cloud, you might say. Thanks for anyone out there who was also praying for me during this time. Right now I have a heightened awareness of the power of prayer. I know that sounds cliché but, honestly I can tell when my life is being covered in prayer. There is a peace that overwhelms my spirit and I’m filled with life. It’s an amazing feeling to say the least.

Through all this I’m reminded of the call of intercession on my life and that I should be walking in that call feverishly. The prayers I lift up aren’t just floating off into nothingness…they land on the ears of the King of the universe and He moves when I pray. I’m thankful for that. I’m thankful that He wants to hear from us and that we get to approach his throne with confidence.

On a side note – I’m going to onething regional’s tonight in Nashville. Here's to expecting great things.