
On the Brink

Nearly everyone I know in the church is on the brink of something big, including myself. Cambellsville, KY is in the midst of revival, North Park University in Chicago is about to break out in revival. Vineyard Franklin feels on the verge of something huge. Even North West Church of the Nazarene in Columbus is about to see revival. All it takes is one major move of God and His manifest presence to blow the tops off of these things and we could see an out pouring of his spirit. Healings, signs and wonders, glory all of it!

The earth is being shaken. The economy plummeting is a sign of that shaking. Natural disasters are a sign of that shaking. War is a sign of that shaking. Disease is a sign of that shaking. More and more churches falling because of corruption is a sign of that shaking.

I feel like in this time God is about to do something huge with his people. His chosen ones. I think this revival that seems to be spreading is just the start of it. If we are nearing the end of times then it will be the churches darkest hour and the churches greatest hour as we see many horrible things happening across our land and within the body but also many people will come to the Lord and his glory will be made known to all.

I don't know for sure if we are nearing the day of the Lord, but it seems probable to me. In Joel 2:28 it says in that day..." I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions." Now more than ever, I hear of these things happening daily as well as other signs that the end may be near...

This isn't a doom and gloom post. I just feel that as the body of Christ we need to be prepared. We need to be prepared to come together as believers united and not divided. We need to be prepared to fight for souls in the great harvest that is upon us. We need to be prepared to fight against the forces of evil in the supernatural realm that are become more and more prevalent with each passing day. The time is urgent. The time is now. Be strong and courageous. Keep the faith. The Lord good, he is with us, and we know who wins.



Tonight was a good night. It consisted of reading by my "WoodWick" candle, which gives off the sound of a crackling fireplace. Then going to church and then to a great restaurant with called Genghis Grill where we all piled high bowls of "stir fry" type food and stuffing our selves. Then we came home and made milkshakes.

It was interesting the flavors of milk shakes that everyone chose to make. I stuck with a classic Peanut Butter Chocolate shake. It was thick and rich and beautiful. Jo wanted the same thing, but more Chocolate than Peanut Butter.

The boys both made weird concoctions... Of course. They had to add spices and weird chunks of things to their shakes. Josh added truffles and cinnamon to his...He ended up finishing mine and regretting his weird decision. Nate started with a base of Peanut Butter and added cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, and caramel. This one actually turned out really good! Very "fally"

Tonight was a perfect night spent with friends and drinking shakes. Nothing too deep about it. Just good times!


The Two Sides

For Halloween, my work is having a costume competition/party. This year I am dressing up with a group of girls as the iPod silhouette people who dance in the commercials. The costume is pretty awesome. Basically we will be wearing all black clothes/hats/shoes and we will strap onto our backs large pieces of cardboard covered in neon poster board. Each of us will have bright sparkly makeup that matches our posters and we will dance around to JET. Fun stuff. My favorite part is that it is unique and you can make it your self without having to buy something that you will only wear once and then try and sell on e-bay.

During lunch today the group of girls I am doing the costume with and I all went out to a costume shop to see if they had any fun makeup that could supplement our outfits. I had a strange experience.

Now, this has never happened to me before but, the second I stepped into that shop I felt physically ill. All the awful, dark and evil things that were in that place made my stomach turn. I couldn't look anywhere except the floor. I could feel a heavy, evil presence sifting throughout the room. My friends didn't seem phased.

We meandered around for a while, me looking at the floor, feeling like I was going to puke. They walked back into this back room and I followed. The room was so full of darkness that I literally ran from the room. They probably thought I was pretty crazy. I didn't care.

This whole experience made me realize just how prevalent the spiritual realm is. Light and Dark. For most people the attack from the dark side is subtle. They don't even realize the evil is around them and the enemy slowly inches his way in. For others the attack is more direct and they are blatantly partaking in the evil. And in a place like that, for someone who is filled with the Holy Spirit, I guess me, the best attack is to make them physically ill and get them out of the area so they don't start talking about Jesus.

I have nothing against trick-or-treating for kids as long as they are going as a princess, pumpkin or pirate. But now, I have everything against the celebration of Halloween. It is OBVIOUS to me that darkness surrounds this holiday.

On October 31st I will be praying and worshiping with friends at my condo. Who's in?



I heard a good quote yesterday. It was from Kris Vallotton, one of the associate pastors at Bethel Church in Redding, CA. He said "We are fighting from victory, not for victory...but we are still fighting."

It's pretty awesome that Jesus has already won the battle over death for us and holds the Keys of Hell in his hands. As Christians we know the end of the story. We win! But, that doesn't mean we stop fighting against evil in this world. We can't sit idly by doing nothing till we die or are raptured. Also, we shouldn't panic like the world is going to end when the stock market crashes. It isn't the end of the world, and if it was we should have nothing to fear because we are victorious in the fact that Jesus has paid the debt of our sin on the cross!

Good stuff.


In the White Room

Over this past weekend I went on a trip to Cincinnati, Ohio for a wedding. The entire Michael family was present. Andrea, my sister-in-law, recently had an incredible encounter with the Lord in a vision where He took her up to Heaven. She told all of us (me, Josh, Nate, and Jo) about this and we were really excited to give it a try. Andrea told us to close our eyes and try to picture Jesus. On the edge of my seat I closed my eyes expecting big things and some elaborate journey through heaven with God. Walking on the golden roads and the seas of glass, flying around and meeting the apostles etc.

Immediately I pictured an empty white room. Nothing around at all. Stark and quiet. Then I tried to picture Jesus. The stereotypical Jesus in Jewish garb popped into the white room and stood there looking at me. I said "Hey" in my head to Him. He said "Hey" back. I asked him, "Are we going to go to heaven now?" and he replied "Not Yet." I said "Well, what do you want to do?" and he responsed "Just wait."

At this point on earth, Andrea asked us if we were getting anything. Joanna and I both said yes. Joanna then went on to share what she was seeing and it was this amazing adventure the Holy Spirit was taking her on. My white room started to look pretty boring. When it came my turn to share I said "Well, mine is pretty lame...I am just in a white room with Jesus."

All at once everyone in the room started to laugh. I realized how bad that sounded once the words left my mouth. Hanging out with Jesus is totally lame....(sarcasm). The spirit of diminishment was trying to negate this amazing experience I was having with the Lord. I rebuked that and moved on quickly.

I ended up staying in the white room with Jesus the whole time. I hugged Him. Asked him questions. Walked around the room with him. I held his hand. I talked to him and realized that He wanted me to know that I only needed him and nothing else. He wanted me to know Him more. I spent a while in my vision just studying the lines on His face, the color and emotion in His eyes and the waves of His hair. It was an incredibly intimate encounter with my creator and savior.

I plan on doing this "exercise" (for lack of a better word), often. Encountering God is amazing. We are always trying to do the "right thing" in our Christian walk. Have quiet time. Pray. Give money. Read the Bible. But, as Brennan Manning says in his book Signature of Jesus, "I spent so much time doing the things that would please God that I had no time left just to be with God." Keeping our focus on Him is important. We should not always strive to complete a daily checklist of things that we think will make God happy. Sometimes God just wants to hang out. Just resting in His presence and letting him love on you and you love on Him is one of the greatest things we can "do."

If this post tugged at your heart and you to want to have an experience with Jesus like mine I encourage you to close your eyes right now. Close them and picture Jesus. What is He doing? What does He want to tell you? Where does He want to take you? Let his love and presence go deep and rock you to your core. Trust me...it's not lame.


Sing My Love

Another highlight of this past weekend at the Touch Healing Conference was the worship on Saturday night and Sunday Morning. It was led by John Mark McMillan and his wife Sarah McMillan. During this time the heavens opened up. I have never experienced such jubilant and fiery worship. I literally shouted at the top of my lungs several times just because I couldn't hold it in and I was so overwhelmed with happiness! I was in total abandonment wrapped up in passionate worship with my King and Creator!

One song in particular really spoke to me, it is called "Sing My Love" by Sarah McMillan. There is a line in the song that says "He always knew me" that brought me to heart wrenching brokeness and extreme joy at the same time. God ALWAYS knew me, not matter how far or how close I am to him and that tore me apart thinking about how fickel I am but, he was always there and knew me better than I knew myself. For some reason as I thought about that line I was brought back to the 5th grade when I broke my leg in a car accident. The Dr. told my mom that I had powerful lungs. As I thought about that, I felt like the Lord told me he gave me powerful lungs for a reason and that was to praise him! Even if it is just in shouts of unpretty praise!

I encourage all of you to go to Sarah McMillan's myspace and listen to it, or buy the cd. Here are the lyrics

Words can never say, the way He says my name
He calls me lovely
No one ever sees, the way He looks at me
He sees me holy
Earth can never hold this love that burns my soul
heaven holds me

I can't hold my love back from you
I can't hold my love back from you
I've gotta sing, I've gotta sing
Sing my love

You would not believe, the way He touches me
He burns right through me
And I can not forget every word He said
He always knew me
Earth can never hold, the way he burns my soul
Heaven holds me.

I can't hold my love back from you
I can't hold my love back from you
I've gotta sing, I've gotta sing
Sing my love

Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord
My soul makes, makes it's boast in the Lord


You are My Treasure

Last weekend I went to Campbellsville, KY to attend a Healing Conference at the Vineyard church there. The conference was called Touch, and the vineyard brought in Joaquin Evans as a guest speaker for the event. Joaquin, is the director of the healing rooms at Bethel Church in Redding, CA. This church is living in the manifest presence and power of the Kingdom of God. They see miracles happen on a daily basis. He said they have seen over 100 deaf ears open in the healing rooms at Bethel in the past 8 weeks!

We (my Husband and I) got there on Saturday afternoon just in time for the "Treasure Hunt." But, this wasn't a normal-cheesey-youth-group-treasure-hunt. This was a treasure hunt, where before we left we asked God for clues. A name, a color, a place, a peice of clothing, an item, an ailment. Then, you go out and find the treasure that God wants you to pray healing over and minister to. Some of the words my group got were:
  • flour asile
  • McDonnalds
  • red hat, black shirt, jeans, white man
  • Tattoo on right arm
  • Hernaited disc
  • Black shoes
  • Martin Luther King Blvd.
  • Bridge
  • Knee problem
  • and more
My group consisted of My sister-in-law (Andrea), Luke, Josh, Joaquin, and myself. A lot happened in the 1 hour that we went out. But here are the highlights....when I told the group I got the word flour asile, they thought I was saying flower asile. As we were pulling into the Walmart parking lot Andrea got disapointed because there wasn't a flower asile at walmart. And I said "No, the word was for the baking flour asile" and we all perked up again. However, As we approched Walmart there were a bunch of flowers sitting out front. Standing in front of the flowers was a white guy wearing a red hat, black shirt, jeans, with a tatoo on his right arm. He fit our words from the Lord to a T! As we prayed we could see him softening, his heart opening up, and he was blessed.

Then, we went into the grocery store to the flour asile. We got to the asile and started trying to talk to these women and they were having nothing of it. Then, Joaquin said "Well, where is the flour in this asile..." and were were like "Oh, it is at the other end." (which was empty) But, we decided to walk down there anyway. As soon as we were standing next to the flour the presence of the Lord fell on all of us very thick and a man turned the corner who was limping. He couldn't speak english. but Andrea spoke to him in spanish and found out that he had shooting pain going down his leg. From his hip to his knee. We laid hand on him and prayed and he was COMPLETELY healed! It was amazing. The kingdom of God fell in Walmart.

Every group came back from the treasure hunt with stories like this! It was incredible, and it all happened in 1 hour! I definitely plan on having a treasure hunt again sometime in the near future.

The conference was exactly the refreshing my soul needed. The treasure hunt was the tip of the iceburg. The worship was liberating and heaven opened up! I felt so much love for the Lord! In fact I felt immersed in the river of the Holy Spirit the whole time. The ministry time was a flowship of believers seeking more from the Lord. It was like a cleansing fire that washed over me for 2 straight days. Not just at the conference, but in conversation with the people before and after, over meals, sleeping, and on the ride home to and from.

I was afraid that the stress I was feeling last week would creep back in today at work, but it didn't! I have felt God's presence and peace all day. I am so glad I was spun by the world last week, so now I can feel what it is like to be spun by my king! AH! I love it!

Spin me more Lord!

I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for me tomorrow.



The word spinning, for me has many different implications and brings back lost memories and present life. Last week if you said the word spinning to me the first thing that would come to mind is spinning class at the YMCA. An incredibly intense workout on a stationary bike that will kick your butt and leave your sore for days.

Two years ago, if you said the word spinning, it would take me back to 1989, when I was 5 in a frilly Easter dress and white gloves. Spinning and twirling so fast in that dress till I thought I was going to fall on the ground or puke. I would always look to the grassy carpet below me and pretend I was standing in the middle of an old record player and the earth was my mom's Manhattan Transfer record playing the music I would spin to. Laughing, carefree, happy with a world of dreams ahead of me.

Today if you said the word spinning it would mean something totally different. Right now my entire life feels like it is spinning. People are whirring by. Time is whirring by. Life is whirring by. Everyone is so busy, including myself and there is nothing I can do to stop it. It feels like I am constantly running around trying to please the people at work, please my family, please my friends and there isn't any time left for what is really the ONLY important thing, which is pleasing God.

I feel like I am spinning my wheels and nothing of worth is accomplished. Get up. Go to work. Come home. Go to bed. Get up. Go to work etc. etc. Like a hamster on a wheel. Why does society have to dictate what we do with our time. What we do with our money. What we do.

I know this sounds like a dreary post. But, I am feeling dreary. Just one of those days I guess. I told you I wasn't going to be fake. I am just frustrated with the constant business of the week and not having time for God or anything else other than responsibility.

Hopefully I will come out of this soon...but until then I am just going to try and remember the time when spinning meant twirling the "world record player" in that lacy Easter dress with white gloves, ignoring the world around me. Laughing, carefree, happy with a world of dreams ahead.


2 Things

First of all, last night we had our first "real" service at our new church building. It was AWESOME! God showed up in a mighty way. My husband received an amazing, encouraging word from another church member and it made me so happy that we are part of the Franklin Vineyard.

On a side note...which is really the first of the two things this blog is about... Josh and I are really excited about how CLOSE the new church building is to our condo! It's ridiculously close. It just just proves that God knew what he was doing when we were looking for houses at the beginning of the year and none of the other 4 offers worked out! But, since the church is so close now Josh and I are testing out new means of getting to church.

Last night, I had to be there early to practice with the worship team so I thought I will bust out my old roller blades and give them a try on the .8 mile distance to the new building...what can it hurt. I will get some exercise, save the planet by not emitting fumes from my car, and prove to my hubby that I will use the blades and we shouldn't sell them or give them to goodwill...(love you babe!)

Turns out roller blading is really scary. Especially, when there are 2 gigantic "surprise" hills. As I started descending the first hill I realized "this isn't going to be good..." I was rapidly picking up speed. I stiffened my legs. I knew if I didn't they would fly out of control. Faster and faster I zoomed down the hill. I assessed the situation as the trees to my left and right flew by in a blur. I was definitely going to fast to just fall in the grass to the side of the road and stop myself. I was also going to fast to slowly put on the "back-breaks" that were on the blades...also, I wasn't entirely sure I knew how to use them. All I could do was let my legs flow with the grooves of the pavement and pray that I didn't hit a bump/rock/hole and wipe out. I think I said out loud as I was flying down the hill at +60 mph "I'm gunna die, I'm gunna die..." till I slowed to a stop, in a nervous sweat at the foot of the next gigantic hill that I then climbed and repeated the process.

None the less...I arrived at church sweaty and scared, but unhurt and willing to give it a try again next week. At least I will sorta know what to expect! A word to the wise though...if you haven't roller bladed in a while stick to flat ground for your first few times out.

I will let you derive the "life metaphor" from this story as you see fit.

The 2nd thing...this morning was awesome! Went to the park and laid on a blanket in the cool shade till the sun melted the shade away and the hot rays heated my body. It was great :)



I love Saturdays. This morning has consisted of me waking up, eating pancakes, drinking coffee, taking my bother-in-law to work (at the Library), awkwardly waiting for 15 minutes in the parking lot till the library opened while reading the Bible, paroozing the fiction stacks, reading for 30 mins or so, and then checking out 2 books (Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis and Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen) and 2 DVDs ( Osama, and the complete second season of West Wing, which I was forced to return to the library less than 24 hours ago and recheck out this morning), driving home with the windows down, blaring the new John Mark McMillan CD and finishing my lukewarm coffe.

My heart is full! It doesn't take much for me to have a full heart on a day I get to spend at my leisure. On days like this I hear the voice of God more. On days like these I find revelation. On days like these I can relax in His presence. I don't get muddled up in the stress of work, I don't get distracted by responsibility and I can just be. I find myself more in comunion with God and it frustrates me that I can't spend every day just like this.

I know this dream can be a reality. There are plenty of people who get to experience this delight. Even in the work place. There are some people who easily slip into his presence. Easily comune with the Lord and amongst the stress can find peace and joy. This is something that I struggle with. I find my heart being pulled away to the busyness of creating e-blast, circulating P.O.s, getting ads approved, and meeting after meeting.

I am praying hard for God to either give me peace and joy at times when He feels the furthest away, or for Him to open up a door at a job (or no job) where it will be stress free and every day can be like this Saturday.

I LOVE His presence and want to seek after that all the time! Lord, please give me more encounters with you during the hetic week or open the door to a less hetic life that is spent in total abandoment in your presence!


An Undivided Heart

So I have caught the blogging bug. Everyday I find myself constantly checking my friends blogs for updates and always thinking "If I had my own blog I would write about _____." So the day is here, my very own blog. Like it or not.

Let me begin by telling you what this blog WON'T be...
This won't be a blog of great importance or a blog that tries to change the course of history. It won't be a blog of deep intellectual pondering. It won't be fake. It won't be editied. It won't be about being a perfect christian. It won't always be funny. It won't necessarily be motivational. It won't be about one specific thing all the time. It won't always be about God. It won't be the same ole, same ole.

However, it will be my reflections and thoughts on life. It will be about my christian walk and trying to stay in His truth. It will be about Music. It will be random. It will include some
stuff you might not expect to hear from a christian. It will be real. It will be blunt. It will be me.

The inspiration for the name of the blog is Psalm 86:11-13. It is a powerful verse/prayer for the Lord to have us walk in his truth, glorify him with all our hearts - undivided, and praising Him for His GREAT love and because He has saved us from death.

I was reading this verse last night and was struck by the power of praying and fully realizing these things. It's overwhelming that the creator of the universe has taken the time to love me with a passionate, unyielding, graceful, powerful, relentless love. And on top of that SAVE me from death! AH! It makes me so happy! I love it! So... my prayer is to stay in line with the first part of this passage. For the Lord to teach me His ways, guide me in His truth, and give me an undivided heart that only answers to Him.

We will see how it goes...