
Something New

This blog is delinquently overdue and I should have written it about 3 weeks ago, however I honestly haven't had a moment to spare in quite sometime. And here I sit, 11:00 p.m. on a Saturday night, in my PJs, with the only sound in the background being willow's jingling collar or nervous bark every time she hears a car roll by.

The title of this blog should actually be - "lots of things new", but that doesn't have quite the same ring as "Something New" The month of October has brought about many changes. As you recall in my post several months ago when I had to say goodbye to some good friends as they moved back to Florida I pondered how I would react when my housemates/brother-in-law, Sister-in-law, and Niece moved out and headed on the first step to fulfilling their calling to be Bible translators. Well, that moment has come in gone in the past month. For the most part I think I handled the whole thing fairly well. We threw N&J a big going away party and it was a success in many ways. We spent a the whole week leading up to their departure soaking up time with them and reminiscing on the last year and a half and then the morning they left I broke down for a while thinking about how much I would miss them...and then I realized they aren't dying, but rather living life abundantly! Not to mention modern technology makes communication overseas a breeze now a days. (yay for skype/email/facebook!)

I thought that once they left life would slow down, but boy was I wrong. It seems like things have just gotten busier than ever. Josh and I find ourselves falling in bed (the new Cal King we inherited we begrudgingly took off of N&J hands...just kidding!) each night exhausted beyond belief. And now that we both work (yippie!) it's making the little free time we have together very cherished. It just seems like our evenings get jam packed with activity after activity and meeting after meeting. We are quickly trying to fill in the holes that N&J left when they moved...i.e. the two empty rooms at the end of the hall now (tear) are being converted to an office and guest bedroom, once storage areas turning into a food pantry etc.

Reguardless of the busy schedule I'm going through a season of God revealing His love to me over and over again in many different ways. You would think that might get boring, but that's not the case at all... in fact at a John Mark McMillan concert last night we sang the song "how he loves us" and at one point during the song I literally said over and over again "This Just never get's old! It never get's old!" God loves us! It's weird. I'm not very good a being deep about things like this. Sometimes simple is good, and I'm hoping now is one of those times.

Here's a verse I will leave you with that has been wreaking me (in a good way) for a week now. Enjoy.

Romans 8:38-39

38For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.



Is it selfish for me to create the below "before I turn 35 list"? Am I putting my own surface agenda's before the Lord's plan for my life? Or it is good to have a list like this so I have fun things to stive towards and I live life to the full? Would I really be living life to the full if I completed the list? To me, it seems like I will just be participating in some fun events and never really making an impact on anything...however, I want your opinion. Leave a comment. Let me know what you think about Bucket Lists, before 35 lists etc...