
Happy Bubbles

It's amazing how busy your life can be even with out a 9-5 job. I find my hours spent much differently than they were when I worked from a cube, but they are still jam-packed. Jam-packed loads of activities and loads of happy-bubbles. 

Def. Happy-Bubbles: little things that float around each day bringing moments of joy, blessing, inspiration, ah-ha's and other fabulous things for the creative mind. 

Some happy-bubbles floating my way recently:

Lace curtains found at Goodwill and turned into lace ribbon for Voyage packaging

Costco flowers in mason jars that are lasting an alarmingly long time

This adorable dog who dotes after me and follows me everywhere even though I have invaded "her" home during business hours.

My skirt mania fever being fed by super deals at thrift stores....now if we can only get some warmer weather.

Coffee, thrifting, and thai food dates with the fabulous Amy Dunn.

Teardrop Earrings from Target for $5!

My niece Annalee's new-found curly hair.

Indian and Cigars with friends

Exciting plans for these collected Hatch Show Print babies

Discovering Pueblo Real and their dish that rivals Aroz con Pollo in Anderson, IN

West Wing marathons with my stud.

picking up my groceries here and eating organic vegetarian dinners 4 nights a week.

cute Easter family iphone portraits

Oh...and let's not forget my surprise new computer from the stud.

any happy bubbles in your life?



God's timing is awesome. The post a few weeks ago where I divulge my reasons for avoiding blogging and some upcoming exciting news was a scheduled blog. I wrote it on a Wednesday and set it to post on a Friday morning at 10:37 am. That same Friday morning around 8:45 am I received a meeting request from my boss for a 4:00 pm meeting.

Anyone in the professional world knows that a meeting at 4:00 on a Friday is rarely good news and this particular meeting was no different. I was laid off from my job.

Most people we panic about such dramatic life changes and I would be lying if I said I didn't feel a bit dizzy for a few hours after such a tense day/meeting. However, once my head cleared and I was able to hug Josh and talk to my mom, i realized this was just the push I needed to really pursue the creative side of Katherine that I had been bottling-up for a rainy day that never came.

Voyage Creatives (as I introduced to you here) was already in motion and had been since early 2012 when God helped me dream. Being released from my season in a cubicle has allowed me to fully pour myself into these new ventures and I'm loving it! Not to mention, this new set up should allow me more time to get back into blogging - so we all have that to look forward to! Here are a few items from my store - I would love it if you went on over and checked it out. :)

ALSO about 2 weeks before I heard my news Josh started interviewing for  new job. There was nothing horribly wrong with where he was working, but he was ready for the next step in his career and really wanted to work from an office closer to home. Well...God's timing again was hilarious and amazing...on my last day of work at IRON, Josh received an amazing job offer at a new company that came complete with closer location and a nice promotion!

I know I keep saying this, but I can't help myself - God is so good! I want to shout it from the rooftops! All of these shifts have made our home, relationships, health, attitudes and even income - though for now it's much smaller for me ;) - covered in blessing and favor. I feel so incredibly rich and I feel my soul stretching on a daily basis. Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him!