
Show Week

The Broadway Review is this weekend at Forrest Hills Baptist Church. The week before opening night is always crazy. It consists of practices till 11:00 p.m. (at least) every night, grabbing food when and where you can, constantly staring at your score and listening to your practice CD non-stop.

In spite of the madness this part of a show is always so much fun. It is when the most bonding happens in a cast. Everyone has to pull together to get it right and no one wants to be the weakest link. The first stumble though is always rough, but somehow by the end of the week things are good enough to get a Standing O on opening night (hopefully!).

I had forgotten how much I love doing this. Can't wait to see how things go on Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Babe, I know I told you after each of the shows I watched, but you seriously sounded amazing and you made me really proud. I loved watching you and couldn't have asked for a better valentine's day present.
