
Felix - 7 Months

You are 7 months old! This month has been particularly eventful in your development. You learned to sit up on your own from laying down position. And you went from rocking on your hands and knees to pushing up into downward dog and falling on your head quite a bit to eventually CRAWLING! It happened just before your 7th month birthday. You learned to crawl right when we got home from a really long car ride on the way back from the beach (9.5 hrs in your carseat). I think you were just ready to get things moving after sitting still that long.

The first bits of movement forward you made were directly towards books and then you sat up and started looking through the pages. So cute! This milestone has been so exciting and has made for some pretty awesome changes. You play by yourself really happily for long stretches of time, but I can no longer even step out of the room to grab something, without taking you with me. At first your crawling was slow and involved a lot of rests so I could still pop in and out checking on you ever 30 seconds or so, but now your a fast little bugger! You can make it across a room in about 5 seconds and I'm not gonna lie, you found your way up 2 (TWO!) stairs at one point before I realized you even were on the stairs. I'm going to need to drink so more coffee and stay a bit more alert with my little mobile man now.

Two days after learning to crawl, you decided it was time to learn how to pull yourself up, so for the last week, that's pretty much been your favorite thing. Crawl across the room and then pull up on mommy's lap, on the couch, on your play table, on the stairs, trashcan, toilet, cabinets, kitchen island, TV stand...you name it. Standing is the name of the game. In fact, it's evening time right now and I laid you down for bed around 8:30, and an hour later I heard you cry. I went in there and you were standing on the side of the crib. Holding on to the rails. It was so sad and cute. You just want to practice your new trick even in your sleep and then you wake yourself up.

This month has been one of my favorites so far. Your personality is emerging even more every day and you are such a happy, content, lovely baby. With so much adventure and boldness and smiles that are contagious.

Daddy and I have made a point to pray over you more often. You were dedicated this month and establishing a daily and natural involvement of the Lord in your life is important to me. I sometimes will read you scripture verses while you are nursing and Daddy will whisper prayers over you when we are snuggling before bed. Worship music fills the space between these walls. I want you to feel God's presence in our house and be at peace here.

Your middle name is Fire for a reason, my son. At first we chose the name because it seemed cool. It was a very unique and strong name. But after you were born the meaning of Felix Fire settled in. I prayed that the Lord would make you passionate. That you would be a person of great emotion and feeling with strong convictions and an energy for life that people would be drawn to. That you would have a fire in your heart for God. And when I held you in my arms the Lord showed me that He spoke to his people in a burning bush and led them with a pillar of fire and He was going to use your kindness and charisma to lead people to Him.

I love watching you grow. I love being your mom. Happy 7 months my little buddy.


  1. Katie how do you do these pictures of Felix with this likes on the side? I absolutely love them!

    1. Hey! I think this is Holly...is it? Well either way, I use photo shop to make the designs. It's a mini creative outlet for me. :)

  2. He is a very special young man.
